Christmas 2004 in Ohio
Driving up to Ohio from Raleigh area is not a big deal - although the drive is about 8 hours, the views through the mountains are fantastic no matter what weather or season. I especially love the drive up to Fancy Gap. The North Carolina farms get miniscule with each foot we climb! We were warned of a huge snow storm approaching Ohio but didn't reach it until around the New Philadelphia area in Ohio. Then, we got dumped on! Driving became trecherous and the last 20 miles of our trip took over an hour. There was a final total of about 18 inches of snow and ice accumulating on everything. Thousands of people lost power over Christmas including my daughter Jessica. The next day, everything looked like a crystal wonderland with the sun reflecting off of the trees. I included a pic of trees at my brother Dave's house.
We miss our family very much, but it was good to get back to our home. Nothing feels as good as our own bed! Much to our surprise, we came home to an inch of snow! There was a very narrow band of cold air that met with the warm ocean air to create a thin band of snow! I included a pic of this too!